Generally, any information can be submitted for publication consideration. However, wires containing a greater proportion of the following items are assured faster publication. These items are: Who, What, When, Where, Why and hoW. (Referred to by superior journalists as "The Six W's".)
Following are six guidelines on how or how not to submit your wire for publication...
1. Your wire should endeavor to provide the greatest amount of information regarding an issue of concern. For example, you should avoid submitting the following:
Government employees conditioned on the two principles that "Information is King" and "He who knows the most gets the highest promotions" instinctively withhold important facts for personal use until and when personal gain from revealing all of the facts is more likely to benefit them personally. To those individuals who adhere (knowingly or unknowingly) to these principles, be advised that DEA Watch don't play that stuff. You must either write the whole truth and nothing but the truth, or publish your incomplete report elsewhere.
Additionally... Do not modify actual events or statements. Use factual and complete detail. Should you include a detail or two DEA Watch feels might identify you as the author the editor will redact it, (D/W redacted). If you feel this redaction was an unnecessary protective measure by the editor simply inform him. Your original text will be restored if you request that your name and contact information be included for publication.
2. Do not address your wire to any person or writer. DEA Watch is not a chat room.
3. Never attack a writer if you disagree with the writer's position. Address your arguments to the writer's position, not to the writer.
4. Never attempt to dictate publication policy. For example, never attempt to tell agents what they should or should not publish.
5. Refrain from spell checking or grammar corrections. If you lack the intellect or ability to address the subject matter don't resort to playing school teacher.
6. If you wish to ignore any of the above and still have your wire published you must include the following statement at the bottom of your wire:
"Please publish my name, title, office location, telephone number and email address as follows..."