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The Harry Robert Haldeman Drug Enforcement Agent Voice
for Special Agents and Drug Warriors -- Reports from the Field

04 Sep 2006, 11:56 PST, 1st Edition

"Tandy and her husband were victims of an S/A conspiracy":

    There is new word on the street that the S/A's who "gifted" their first-class seats to Tandy and her husband during the Tandy's vacation flights to and from Israel in 2005 did so because the S/As "premeditatively sought some form of reward" from Tandy in the form of a grade promotion or having a future request for duty assignment fulfilled.

    There is also talk that although Tandy allegedly told the IG (or someone investigating for the IG) that she "... didn't know it was wrong to accept the first class seats" as a gift from subordinates, she was (it is said) 'quite sure' that the agents who gave her and her husband their seats were aware the gift was improper 'if not illegal'... 'because they (the S/As) were DEA a lot longer than her and should have known what they were doing was illegal'.

    Further word is being said that Tandy (or someone close to Tandy said that she) believes that she was "deliberately set up" by the SAs on her SD who wanted to see her 'get into trouble' and be forced to resign.

    Apparently, AG Gonzalez agreed with these conflicting excuses and decided that no punitive action was warranted... no word yet about whether Gonzo ordered Tandy to reimburse the govt for the spent gift.

    More later...

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03 Sep 2005, 10;12 PST, 1st Edition

"Tandy Air", con't:

    I can understand asking why the SAC of the Airwing chose to put Tandy's name and credential number on the tail of a new helicopter. The reason why is obvious and needs no explanation. A better question to ask would be; Why not put the name and credential number of a DEA pilot who gave his/her life in the line of duty on the tail of a new aircraft? There are a number of choices, most recently Terry Loftis for example. How about Alan Winn? or any of the four agents who died in the Casa crash of 1994, Frank Wallace, Juan Vars, Meredith Baxter (I apologize for not being able to remember the fourth agent's name who died in that crash). The SAC of the Airwing could have also chosen to put the name and credential number of Larry Randle on the tail of a new aircraft. Larry recently passed away after a long battle with Lou Gehrig's (sp?) disease. Larry was a veteran S/AP who used to work out the New Orleans FD. Any of these fallen agents would have been a better choice. Remembering ANY agent who has fallen in the line of duty would have been a better choice.

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29 Aug 2005, 20:51 PST, 3rd Edition

"Hurricane Katrina", con't:

    The 2nd Ed. writer's point is valid, why not use our air assets to assist in relief missions when possible? For those of us who attended the HQ DEA picnic last Friday the answer is clear. Each year a DEA rotor wing asset is displayed at this event for the benefit of DEA family members. The kids get to sit in the Bird and get a dog and pony show from the pilots. But this year the Bird was positioned so far from the picnic area that few if any ventured over to take a look.

    The reason the Bird was positioned so out of view is absolutely sickening. Someone was trying to hide the fact that this A Star helicopter was flown from the Air Wing in Texas utilizing two pilots on a flight of at least 12 hours one way. This was done even though a duplicate helicopter is just an hour away in New Jersey. This blatant example of fraud, waste and abuse was conducted for the sole purpose of showing Tandy her Helicopter, which bears her credential number as it's tail number and is inscribed with the nose art "Karen Tandy, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration."

    As a (D/W redacted) I'm unaware of any other Agency head having official government property named after them or any stupid enough to let the Air Wing waste thousands of tax dollars to kiss broom one's a**. The fuel, maintenance cost (at least six hours of maintenance for each flight hour) the pilot's salary and per diem has to have been prohibitive. This abuse of Government property should be fully investigated by the IG.

    While we waste assets kissing a** our fast teams fly under combat conditions in aging poorly maintained surplus Russian MI-8's. As an agent I could care less what they put on the nose of any of our aircraft, but I'm sickened and OUTRAGED at the continuing abuse of power by Tandy and her staff. There must be someone on the 12th floor who could have advised her on the wisdom of this exercise. I'd like to write more but (D/W redacted) G-ride (D/W redacted).

    Sometimes I fear for the Republic!

D/W note: Because the redacted portions identify the writer the full text will not be posted in the Archive or Forum as usual.

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26 Apr 2005, 10:19 PST, 1st Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    As a result of Tom DeLay's use of private (and improper or illegal) money paying for his travel, there are a number of private watchdog groups who are said to be looking at the air travel of hundreds of government bigwigs. Those of us who are angry about Tandy manipulating her SD to relinquish their first-class seats (paid for by the taxpayer) so that Tandy and her husband could move up from their coach seats should get the names of any organizations that are investigating corrupt government officials. We need to post that list here on DEA Watch to make sure these groups know about Tandy.

    Bush doesn't want to discipline Tandy or force her and her husband to reimburse the govt, but the watchdog groups can use this info if Bush tries to make Tandy a judge... or if Tandy tries to run for elected office in the future.

    And while we're at it... we should find out if Tandy is still using her SD as babysitters, gofers and chauffeurs for her spoiled brats.


13 Mar 2005, 16:05 PST, 1st Edition

Saturday Evening Think Piece: Tandy Air, con't:

    I don't wish to offend the female gender in general, but after reading last night's Saturday Evening Think Piece, I could only think of one humorous anecdote to summarize this ridiculous saga.

    One of the best movies lines I've ever heard was from the Jack Nicholson / Helen Hunt movie "As Good As It Gets."

    A woman asks Jack Nicholson's character: "How do you write women so well?"

    Nicholson responds: "I think of a man, and then I take away reason and accountability."

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments: TANDY AIR.


12 Mar 2005, 23:24 PST, 5th Edition

Special Report: Just the facts

Saturday Evening Think Piece: Tandy Air, Continued:

    DEA Watch, thank you for maintaining the archive on the "Tandy Air" news articles submitted by DEA Watch writers serving independently in the truest form of unpaid and volunteer news and information reporting journalists and editorialists/commentarians that one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, could have more than hoped for. To have conscientious, well meaning and justice-minded federal employees operating as concerned journalists and news reporters/commentarians filing daily news reports about our government being for the people and by the people is something every soldier of the Revolution and Independence dearly wanted and sacrificed his and her family for.

    We don't have King George or "Indians" to battle today, but nonetheless we, today, who work for our government should not be greedy puppets offering our experience, skills and servitude as paid mercenaries to protect or perpetuate any current WH occupant. Our primary duty is to the People from here to eternity, and not to the elected of the moment.

    As government employees who derive the salaries we receive to secure our children's futures as well as the futures and safety of the American people who pay our salaries, our primary loyalty and service is to the American people, regardless of their political Party affiliation or sympathies. Even when a scant majority of the American public, having been brainwashed by heavily propagandized, right-wing, election-year fear, elects a person who advocates war and invasion over peace and negotiated agreement we must endeavor even moreso to remain true to our freedom-loving Founding Father's who believed that only a tyrant opts first for war.

    There is not a man or woman in our country who isn't mistaken on this subject. George W. Bush has made it very clear to all of us that he believes a perpetual state of war is more important than perpetual state of peace. And coming from a man who did everything he could to personally avoid serving in a war, George Bush's warmongering nature is something I rate lower and more despicable that Hitlerism... because Hitler, despite all his insanity, was in fact a true war veteran. George W. Bush is a coward.

    I have read each and every posting on the topic of our Administrator's criminal, unethical and improper abuse of her SD, and her scam to fly First-Class on her vacation having purchased coach seats for herself and her husband... only to calculatingly switch seats with two of her First-Class SD personnel... both coming and going on her vacation flights.

    Having read and analyzed all of the news and editorial commentaries by the various and numerous reporter/writers I have come to the conclusion that the fault is not with our Administrator but with her husband.

    Perhaps painfully to her supporters but educationally to the objective and clinical, I shall digress...

    We men know that some women, by nature, choose to hide behind their sex and behave wacky, pre-calculating that their wackiness will be excused and pardoned on the basis of being female. Those of us who are married know this better than men who are wise to remain single. This fact is also known by honest women who admit that there is often much lacking in some women between reason and reality. And I don't need to say that our three largest religions, in alphabetical order: Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are all based on cultural practices, beliefs and ancient history that clearly details the Fall of Man being due to the irresponsibility of a female and the stupidity of a male to keep his female in check... instead of biting into the apple offered him by his wife, had Adam slapped Eve upside the head for disobeying God, all life today on our plandt would be completely different... and better.

    That is why I blame Karen's stupidity on Steve, and not on Karen.

    Karen is, by virtue of her sex a difficult to self-discipline, hormonally influenced, irresponsible c**t... and we all know that c**ts do unpredictable, irrational, unreasonable things even when those things appear to them to be perfectly rational at any given moment. However, women with husbands are expected to be properly guided by their husband's 'male' wisdom which is not influenced by weird hormonal impulses or spasmodic inclinations dictated like sea tides by monthly moon cycles on a daily basis. On their first flight (to Israel) Steve should have told Karen that it would be wrong if not illegal to exchange seats with her SD. Unfortunately, seeing an opportunity to make her existence, and that of her husband's, more pleasurable, Karen's immediate impulse or pre-caluclated plan was to go for the goodies, even though the cost would be paid by taxpayers. And Steve's penis-less decision was to cower in shock-and-awe of his wife's powerful, agency-head position with, "Yes, dear... whatever you say."

    And we're not talking about any run-of-the-mill, mealey-mouse, cowering husband, though he is, because Steve Pomerantz is a career FBI agent and former SES. I stress the word "SES" because Karen's husband was not a gofer FBI peon performing short-order cook like assignments... Steve Pomerantz served in some of the highest levels of FBI as a policy-maker and policy-enforcer... and therefore MUST have been exposed to countless reports of errors-of-judgment made not only by lower-ranking FBI babies, but by idiots in other federal, state and local LE agencies our FBI is tasked to police. From this fact, surely we can conclude that in all of the years Karen's husband, Steve Pomerantz, served as an FBI executive he MUST have become knowledgeable of at least ONE case of an FBI agent or a private citizen making a bad decision to take advantage, at taxpayer expense, and later being caught and called on the carpet and receiving severe punishment. In short, for a former FBI executive to permit his wife to make one of the dumbest of dumb decisions she could make only tells us that FBI MUST have suffered under terrible leadership and guidance while Steve Pomerantz served in his supervisory/executive FBI position(s).

    Additionally, Steven failed his wife as a Jewish husband... but this fact possibly reveals that because Steven married a non-Jew he conscientiously declined to exercise the leadership a Jewish male would naturally, normally and instinctively provide to a Jewish wife, particularly when he recognized she was making a bad decision. But because Karen, reportedly, was not born a Jew, Steven failed to perform as a proper, Jewish husband with knowledge of Moses' Commandments, one of which strictly prohibits theft of any kind. Steve failed his ancestors. He failed his religion. He failed his wife. He failed DEA. He failed our country... because he failed to exercise the lifetime of training he received Spiritually and from his FBI career. And it needn't be said that the vast majority of FBI agents are the most honest and balanced individuals humanity has ever produced through recruitment and/or academic preparation for duty.

    With the above in mind, Steve, as a born and raised Jew, apparently refused to properly protect his wife from the predictable embarrassments Karen has caused for herself and maliciously inflicted on our agency and its plummeted morale. Had Steven married a Jew he quite probably would have established a personal understanding of sorts with the editor of DEA Watch, who although being a Roman Catholic, has publicly stated on his personal website that his genetic heritage includes Jewish ancestry (as is common with many African-Americans [apparent in their fairer complexions] whose male and female ancestors were raped by their perversely immoral Jewish slaveowners).

    The fact that Steven rejected establishing a protective alliance with DEA Watch, and rejecting his Gentile wife's impulsive decisions to steal federal funding for personal pleasure, clearly indicates that the entire Tandy-Pomerantz micro-cartel is dysfunctional, irrational and not above being criminal... which, unfortunately, is considered normal in these days when the person serving as President of the United States has managed to control the greatest heroin production country in the history of the world. More heroin is coming out of Afghanistan today than in all of Afghanistan's history dating back to recorded time (1700 BC).

    Of course, these facts are not surprising since it was recently confirmed in George Bush's own words captured on tape in several telephone conversations during the 1998-2000 presidential campaign that he is a certified, (former) illegal substance abuser... having regularly and abundantly used both marijuana and cocaine. And because this same President of the United States allows no private news media coverage of himself (that is, when he is not on a golf course which he has, post-Michael Moore's Academy Award nominated film, prohibited the press from reporting or filming) the American public has no knowledge whatsoever of what this President does or how he conducts himself over large blocks of hours. Indeed, when this president hides himself at Camp David the American public has no knowledge of his substance abuse activities unless he injures himself when intoxicated by a mind-altering substance and the evidentiary bruises of his intoxicated period cannot be hidden... such as when he was so stoned he fell to the floor causing bruises to his head which he and his wife claimed to occur from choking on an improperly gulped pretzel. Needless to say, even Laura Bush's hastily arranged appearance on a late night comedy show failed to fool real people who understood clearly that George Bush's previous substance abuse problem remains a current and continual reality.

    We suffer in DEA from the likes of Karen Tandy and her husband because our nation suffers today from the likes of George W. Bush. The blind is truly leading the blind... and there is nobody intelligent at home should you ring the doorbell at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    And those among us in DEA, including DEA retirees, who voted to elect and re-elect a man our agency is chartered by Congress to put in jail are the most to blame.

    As for Steven Pomerantz... he has made his bed and must now sleep with an idiot. We can only hope that when and if our cokehead president comes to realize that he has no other alternative than to fire Tandy and replace her (probably with another female) that our next Administrator-select's male spouse will have the sense to establish a personal relationship with DEA Watch (and thereby establish a cordial relationship with DEA agents and all DEA employees)... so that his spouse serving as our Administrator will be well advised to conduct herself in a manner that will command the respect and admiration of all of us in DEA.

    Quite obviously, Steven Pomerantz is as equally arrogant and self-righteous as his wife, Karen Tandy. So it is no wonder our agency is what it is today... pathetically unproductive in achieving a significantly observable decrease in narcotic use, availability and desire.

    Just as no part can be greater than its whole, no agency can be greater than its leader. And when it's leader is a self-righteous, thieving and arrogant snob... and that Administrator's spouse is a sniveling wimp, that agency dwells in the pits.

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments: TANDY AIR.


11 Mar 2005, 23:06 PST, 5th Edition

Results of Yesterday's 24 hour Survey, con't:

    There is no question Tandy-Pomerantz will use their Israeli Intelligence and business contacts to identify and covertly punish any individuals reporting her misconduct.

    Apparently, her explanations to the IG AND AG have been simply that she did not know these practices were unethical. Her solution is now to be extensively briefed on any possible ethical issues involving travel and interaction with foreign contacts.

    But how is it possible that a person who spent her whole career as a DOJ SCI ticket-holder would not know that personal relationships with members of the Israeli intelligence community must to be documented and in some cases pre-approved by DOJ? How can she conclude that dozens of free upgrades from airlines are not taxable gifts? Is this some variation of the dumb blonde defense? If she is this stupid how can she be allowed to lead DEA?

    I will concede that some of these Israeli operatives enjoy a genuine friendships with the Tandy-Pomerantz family. However, Israel has not survived this long on friendships alone. As a former Intelligence officer, I can assure that these guy's are eliciting every bit of actionable intelligence they can from their contacts with her. Hey, they may not enjoy it but they are patriots first and friends second.

    This story needs to be forwarded to the Washington Post so that a good investigative journalist can bring this to the attention of the American public. Otherwise the AG and DOJ will let this die a slow death to avoid any scent of a scandal.

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please TANDY AIR.


11 Mar 2005, 20:01 PST, 4th Edition

Results of Yesterday's 24 hour Survey:

    DEA Watch 24 Hour Survey, 10 Mar 2005: Is DEA losing credibility and respect because of Karen Tandy's first-class vacation travel at public expense? TOPIC: Some DEA agents are reporting that they have been confronted on one or more occasions by agents and officers of other LE agencies about reports they have heard concerning the DEA Administrator and her husband exchanging their coach-fare vacation travel airline seats with the first-class seats of Administrator Tandy's security detail that accompanied her during her recent vacation trip to Israel where the Tandy-Pomerantz' allegedly met (on social and/or formal occasions) with high-ranking members of the Israeli civilian government and military/intelligence and PR agencies that are known or suspected of recruiting operatives, such as Johnathan Pollard, to spy, infiltrate and influence in U.S. federal agencies. Currently, there is an active. extensive FBI investigation into alleged Israeli spying and influence activity being channeled through one or more pro-Israel public relations and/or fraternity organizations of which the DEA Administrator's husband is allegedly affiliated in some respect or degree with. There are other reports that certain members of Congress, such as Sen. Dianne Feinstein, have refused to discuss the matter of the Tandy's appropriating better seats at the expense of the American public; and that the AG, Mr. Gonzales, has also refused to investigate this matter; and that the IG is stalling in the hope that the issue will go away and be forgotten by DEA's rank-and-file.

    (DEA Watch Note: Statistical results are rounded off to their nearest whole number.)

    QUESTION #1/14: Have you at any time had conversation with an employee of another LE agency who asked about or mentioned Administrator Tandy's airline seat 'upgrade' on her vacation flights?

      Yes... 62%
      No... 38%

    QUESTION #2/14: Do you personally think it is okay for the DEA Administrator and her husband to take over more expensive seats occupied by her Security Detail that were paid for by the American people?

      Yes... 02%
      No... 91%
      Don't care... 07%

    QUESTION #3/14: Should Tandy and her husband reimburse the federal government for the cost difference between the coach-fare tickets they purchased and the first-class seats they appropriated from Ms. Tandy's SD?

      Yes... 94%
      No... 01%
      Don't care... 05%

    QUESTION #4/14: Should Ms. Tandy be disciplined for appropriating her SD's first-class seats?

      Yes... 82%
      No... 12%
      Don't care... 05%

    QUESTION #5/14: Should the members of Ms. Tandy's SD be disciplined for not refusing to exchange their govt purchased first class seats for Mr. and Mrs. Tandy-Pomerantz' coach-class seats?

      Yes... 03%
      No... 92%
      Don't care... 05%

    QUESTION #6/14: Do you feel DEA employees' careers will be safe if they refuse a personal request made by the DEA Administrator that allows her to save her own money by exploiting taxpayer money?

      Yes... 26%
      No... 74%

    QUESTION #7/14: There is a full body of evidence and precedent in the Administrations of previous U.S. presidents under very similar circumstances when the president, upon learning about an illegality or impropriety of a presidential appointee, requested the immediate resignation of the offending appointee. However, George W. Bush has, to date, ignored his DEA appointee's vacation seat-switches at taxpayer expense. Question: Do you believe that George W. Bush was being honest when he campaigned in 2000 to ensure that his stewardship of our government was honorable, ethical and honest, and that he would not permit abuse or conduct by any member of his Administration?

      Yes... 09%
      No... 87%
      Don't care... 04%

    QUESTION #8/14: Administrator Tandy has, to date, gotten clean away with the outright theft of taxpayer funds for personal use. Do you think that DEA employees who know about Tandy's success might consider using an available opportunity to also personally benefit financially at the expense of the American taxpayer?

      Yes... 55%
      No... 45%

    QUESTION #9/14: Some males believe that most females have either a lower or no sense of personal Honor or Integrity, and that a female's foremost priorities are to seek benefits or luxuries for themselves and their families regardless of the cost or security of others. In previous similar cases the offending male appointee voluntarily resigned when caught. Do you feel that a male DEA Administrator who committed the same offense as Ms. Tandy would have the personal dignity and respect for law and honor to resign?

      Yes... 84%
      No... 16%

    QUESTION #10/14: There is word on the street that Ms. Tandy, and her advocates, are attempting to downplay her vacation seat-switches and personal financial savings as nothing more than "jealousy", "sex discrimination", and/or "vindictiveness" among male DEA employees. And that Mr. Bush has accepted that argument and ordered that nothing be done to discipline his female DEA appointee. Do you believe that exposure of Ms. Tandy's illegal or improper conduct is motivated by "jealous" or "vindictive" sexual factors?

      Yes... 02%
      No... 98%

    QUESTION #11/14: Do you feel that female government employees should enjoy more privileges and/or suffer less discipline than male government employees who commit an equal offense?

      Yes... 01%
      No... 98%
      Don't care... 01%

    QUESTION #12/14: Are you male or female?

      Male... 99%
      Female... 01%

    QUESTION #13/14: There are rumors, but no proof nor leads, alledging the Tandy-Pomerantz' have discussed seeking revenge utilizing current or former Israeli intelligence operatives to be deployed against DEA Watch for allowing the Tandy-Pomerantz' vacation seat-switching to be published. Have you heard any rumors of this nature?

      Yes... 01%
      No... 99%

    QUESTION #14/14: Financial contributions to DEA Watch have totaled less than $30.00 this year and less than $100.00 for the previous five years. DEA Watch has provided its services to DEA agents mostly at its own expense. If the enormous wealth of elements supporting Ms. Tandy and her husband Mr. Pomerantz be brought to bear against DEA Watch would you financially contribute to a DEA Watch Legal Defense Fund, irrespective of the fact that DEA Watch is lawfully functioning as a Constitutionally protected news agency?

      Yes, darn it! Just like our LE agents and our GI's, DEA Watch should be supported for their volunteer service. The business of America is keeping faith with our Constitution, and the name of the game is one for all and all for one... 24%

      Heck No! Just like our LE agents and our GI's, DEA Watch made its own personal decision to serve. The business of America is business, and the name of the game is sink or swim... 76%

    Suggest a 24 Hour Survey question...

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please Click Here.


17 Feb 2005, 13:31 PST, 2nd Edition

"The Tandy-Pomerantz Micro-Cartel", con't:

    There are stories in the news about Ridge being investigated for using public money on non-public travels. Of course, Ridge says he did no wrong.

    It's about time illegal and inappropriate travel is being examined by the news media. Just wait til the media gets a load of Tandy... and OPR's sluggishness to investigate Tandy's alleged seat-swapping at the enormous expense of the American taxpayer, the morale drop of her SD as well as the rest of us who feel cheated that a FOB gets royal treatment.


29 Jan 2005, 15:23 PST, 2nd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

    We're all concerned about Tandy stealing a few thousand bucks worth of free seat upgrades... but some people are saying that George Bush's WH influenced a "theft" of millions of dollars in the recent Lockheed presidential chopper deal. Allegedly the Carlyle Group, of which George Bush Sr is reportedly a board member, is allied with Lockheed.

    Any president who allegedly helps his dad's pals win a huge chopper contract from and all-American company ain't gonne care about his DEA Administrator ripping off the taxpayers.

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please Click Here.


24 Jan 2005, 20:13 PST, 4th Edition

Kill 'em if ya got 'em:

    Reportedly, Tandy is trying everything she can do deflect scrutiny form her blatant travel fraud currently being investigated by the IG. What better mechanism to accomplish this that than to fill body bags with Christian agents. Slaughtered in her Afghan theater of operations (ATO). That's right, check her hand picked FAST Team roster. No kosher MRE's will be needed.

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please Click Here.


20 Jan 2005, 21:10 PST, 5th Edition

"The Tandy-Pomerantz Micro-Cartel", con't:

    I emphatically agree with EVERY sentence written by the 3d Ed. writer. But I think that we should also be reminded by both the inferences and references made by Mr. Bush in his Inaugural Address today that he his a strong advocate of Christian-Judao belief when it comes to military and aggressively pursuing any action -- whatever the cost -- to eradicate any competitor religion of Christianity and Judaism.

    Karen Tandy is not just a 'Jewish American Princess' as some writers on this website have referred. Ms. Tandy is also a Zionist who emphatically believes that the ancestral boundaries of Israel after the defeat of the Canaanites over 2,000 years ago must be holocausticly purged of the Canannite's ancestors now known as Palestinians.

    Fortunately for Mr. Bush, using our military, LE and Intell agencies to destroy or Jewdify Muslim control of the Middle East benefits his family's multi-generation quest to control the industrial world's energy (oil) supply.

    Our Administrator, Karen Tandy is Jewish. Her husband is said to be registered as a "consultant' for a number of pro-Israeli and American Jewish community interests that are known by many to compete with, utilize or control our LE and military to assist Israel in achieving its military and political domination of the energy and other assets of nations currently controlled by Muslim nations.

    All of my gut instincts tell me that our president will side with any party he feels will help him achieve the multi-generational goal of his family ancestors... which is to control or dominate the industrial world's energy requirements... black gold... Texas Tea... oil.

    Unless compelled to remove a female Jew from office... and unless he is provided a suitable replacement of similar background... George Bush will stay with Karen Tandy.

    As for our Director... Mr. Mueller... Bobby is putty in the hands of Mrs. Tandy's husband, Steve "Poindexter" Pomerantz, Retired but not Dead.


20 Jan 2005, 20:32 PST, 4th Edition

"What is Tandy thinking?",con't:

    To answer the writer's 'Duh!' question about what was Tandy thinking... It doesn't take a Frank White, Eliot Ness or Eliot Spitzer to figure out that Tandy is/was preoccupied thinking up new ways to use her government position to get the taxpayer to pay for things she should be paying for herself.


D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please Click Here.


20 Jan 2005, 19:37 PST, 3rd Edition

"The Tandy-Pomerantz Micro-Cartel":

    I would not expect to see headlines in the Wash Post on Tandy's OPR status.

    C'mon... we're talking about the head of a federal agency being under investigation... investigations on this level are the most closely guarded secrets in the IGs office, OPR, WH and FBI. The people who are interviewed are asked/instructed to PLEASE not discuss their interviews even with their spouses.

    The information about Tandy's criminal conduct on Continental Airlines involving the abuse of her SD is known to EVERYONE in DEA who has the intelligence to periodically read this website. Anyone in DEA who does not read this website -- regardless of whether or not they admit to reading it -- must be a total idiot or an American Nazi who limits their reading solely to Mein Kampf.

    That said... the IG, FBI, WH and Main are very much aware of Tandy's conduct... but each of the above have been told by Karl Rove and Andy Card that they cannot act independently even though their Constitutional or Congressional charters provide them independent authority. Just has they have maliciously and illegally rewritten the Geneva Conventions Policy on The Treatment of Prisoners of War and the United Nations Justification for Offensive Military Action, the Bush/Cheney WH has re-written all of the American Law Enforcement Ethics and Codes of Conduct and Reporting Violations. If Bush wants to protect Karen Tandy nothing will come of her sneaking-cheating ways.

    But more importantly, if Karen Tandy's Democratic advocate, Dianne Feinstein (also a JAP) refuses to demand accountability from the WH, Tandy will not be disciplined.

    What we as DEA employees must decide is how we will now (and in the future if Bush keeps Tandy in office) accept orders, instructions and directions from an Administrator we all now know to be a cheap twit who apparently conspires with her ex-Feeb husband to scheme up ways to get the American taxpayer to fund their personal wants.

    Lastly, I would add, Tandy's round-trip cheap stunts during her vacation flights would normally be prosecutable events. However, the normal punishment for an Appointee is a pink slip... which can be executed with a lot of face-saving by the Bush/Cheney WH if they simply accepted her standard, Inaugural resignation. At the same time, the beautifully detailed reports filed on this website by the Continental employee(s) provide IRS investigators with enough info to request a peep into not only this years tax filings by the Tandy-Pomerantz Micro-Cartel, but also previous years... if they claimed certain travel (or other) expenses they did not actually shell out-of-pocket for...

    Let's keep in mind that DEA Watch is run by a civilian. Civilians operate in tomorrow's time-frame and a light speed. Government, however, operate in last month's time-frame and at snail speed. It takes time for the bureaucratic wheels of justice to catch up to the criminal... which is why we continue to have crime.

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please Click Here.


20 Jan 2005, 11:51 PST, 1st Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

    What if anything is being done about Tandy's habitual insistence that she and her family receive free upgrades to business class during both personal as well as business travel? If anyone has any doubt about the appropriateness of this conduct they need only to gain access the DOJ Ethics web page to educate themselves. [*] Further, if the report regarding the return flight from Tel Aviv is accurate she undoubtedly has caused her SD to file false travel claims in order too try to cover her a**. This of course is a felony, which even our agents who, according to Tandy, are unable to balance their checkbooks could easily prove. Every SAC who has received a visit from her has the knowledge of this behavior. I challenge these SAC's come forward and be truthful about this behavior. [**] The retirements of these SACs are secure, what are they afraid of? They should be leaders and not let the little guys bear the brunt of this scandal. These SACs have the future of our DEA in their hands, they should not let Tandy's felonious conduct slip through their fingers.

D/W Note: The writer did not provide the web address of this site.
[**] The writer did not name these alleged "SACs"


15 Jan 2005, 18:47 PST, 4th Edition

Report from the Front, con't:

    We can only hope that Graner's conviction and imprisonment will register on the minds of Tandy's SD.

    Graner is a sexual pervert, a redneck racist, and a Sadist who enjoyed following the orders he was given by superiors who were following the dictates and permission of Albert Gonzales who wrote an illegal and deviate policy concocted by a Sadistic, blood-thirsty, former coke snorter and alcoholic named George Bush.

    Those past and presently detailed to provide Tandy free drinks in BC using their seats bought and paid for the taxpayers will have to ask themselves if they, too, will one day have to answer for any illegal or improper orders -- direct or oblique -- they got handed down from Tandy or through one of her hand=picked intermediaries.

    I hope that anyone on Tandy's SD who did wrong or lied to protect her will one day face Fate just as Spec. Graner.

    People should always remember the Captain Cook Syndrome... Capt. Cook hand-picked the sailors who rowed to his secret islands, dug the holes for his loot, and buried them... only to be murdered in their sleep so that they could never steal the treasures or reveal their locations.

    LE Rule No. 1: Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

    LE Rule No. 2: Never, never trust a criminal.

    Tandy is a criminal... any person who would conspire with a former FBI executive to use taxpayer money for her family's vacation flight is a criminal.


13 Jan 2005, 13:31 PST, 2nd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

    In her ongoing battle to deal with rising corruption among her agents and other employees who frequently travel, word is Ms. Tandy plans to initiate an investigation into DEA employees who have allegedly sold their BC tickets for as much as 25 cents on the dollar to coach travelers. Agents and employees who give or donate their seats to someone will not be included in her alleged investigation.

    And is it true that Tandy will congratulate DEA travelers who trade their BC seats to coach traveling military personnel in uniform going home on Leave or R&R?

    Wow! We're sure lucky to have an Administrator who thinks only about the welfare and generosity of our employees. What a gal!!!


11 Jan 2005, 19:31 PST, 7th Edition

"Afghanistan", con't:

    I don't think there is any danger in going to Afghanistan. Surely if our wonderful Administrator has the brilliance of mind to come up with a simplistic scam to defraud her own employer of expensive air travel for her vacation, she can easily come up with a lot of good ideas to keep our expendable employees safe in Afghanistan.


10 Jan 2005, 23:27 PST, 9th Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

    I hope that I speak for everyone in DEA when I say that we owe a deep and lasting debt of gratitude to every employee of Continental Airlines.


10 Jan 2005, 21:25 PST, 4th Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:


    INT: Living room, Tandy home. Fox News on the tube. Teen tarts teasing male DEA Security Guard. Dad in deep cushion loungechair picking his nose. The Momster enters front door...


    Hi Honey... I'm home!


    How was it at the office today, Pickles?


    Oh... the usual... that Oreo bi**h is still hot-and-heavy after my job... the blonds are jealous of my figure... the building custodian tells me the men keep pasting my official DEA photograph on the doors of their Johns... masturbating morons can't even balance their checkbooks... what's new with you?


    JINSA and AIPAC gave me time off over the Holidays to report to Ariel in Israel... wanna come along?


    The Holidays? Hmmmm? Yeah... that seems like a good time. I don't have any silly ops scheduled until right before the Inauguration. You know the drill... all appointees have to have major ops in play for George to look good on State-of-the-Union night.


    Purrrr-fect! Let's book a flite... which airline should we use?


    We can't use an airline my morons have investigated for transporting drugs... Hmmmm... Continental looks clean and stupid for the moment... most of their dorkwit employees are morons just like my 1811's.


    Sounds to me like we use can use the ol' Pusan Pattycake Plan on the dorks, huh?


    Yeah! (giggle). We book coach and coerce my morons on my Security Detail to trade us their BC seats. I figger we can save more than $8,000 dollars... (giggle)


    I love, love, love ripping-off the Gentile-American taxpayer! Have Have your SD morons been properly brainwashed to comply?


    Look, Honey... my morons do exactly what I tell them to do. I've got them sapped into thinking their putzball DEA careers will merit a bunch of silly gold stars for volunteering to protect their dear, sweet, 'lil Shirley Temple wannabe Administrator.




    So what about you? I hope you have something special to give Ariel??? On your last visit you promised you would get Ass-croft to pardon Johnathan Pollard. I hope you have something better in mind now!


    You betcha! My morons in FBI gave me some great VHS's of Saddam whacking off under his sheets... sly bastard... didn't think his guards knew what he was doin'.


    But I thought George's buttboy General Abizaid allowed Saddam some female companionship when he cooperated?


    That's the problem... Saddam hasn't given us any new information lately. Too many American cannon-fodder country kids are being blown to Smithereens. I fear that when the morons in the media get bored with reporting on Third-World Buddha-heads dying from the Tsunami they might go back to reporting on patriotic Americans dying in Iraq.


    Bummer. Maybe George should fire Saddam's French chef, his German masseuse and his Russian barber.


    Talk about being mean! Pumpkin, you are a total b**ch! I'm sure glad I'm on your side!


    Only because you're useful at the moment... only because you're useful... Now let's quit bullsh**ing around. We need to choreograph our dialogue and body language routine for my Security Detail morons so that they give up their Continental seats without a squawk...


    Kara-mia!... Gomez Addams has got nothing on me... I love it when you speak Hymietown!


09 Jan 2005, 19:51 PST, 4th Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

    I think that we all owe a deep gratitude to the Continental Air line employee who found DEA Watch and reported his or her facts. And I think that this matter should be a lesson to us. Any time a crime is committed there is always a witness. But to have a witness come forward to report what they saw and heard is rare. And my concern is for this employee. No doubt Tandy is looking for ways to find out the name of the Continental employee and have them fired. But I suspect that this employee is merely a spokesperson for all those on flight CO 91 and other Continental employees who learned about how cheap and sneaky our DEA Administrator is.


    Just when we were convincing our former S&L's now serving as 1811's that it is morally and ethically improper to coerce merchants into giving them a cop discount for their purchases and meals, we now hear that our Administrator is a cheap twit who conspires to buy cheap airline tickets, then demands bodyguards who normally travel business class, so that she can get them to switch seats with her. What a total, sneaky, devious, scumbag Tandy is!!! She makes us all look bad.


    I think that we all now have to wonder what other schemes Tandy and her husband have cooked up to get discount or free services using her DEA employment. We should all get the word out to the supermarkets, drycleaners and other establishments Tandy and her husband are known to frequent. I suspect that there are others like the Continental person who consider Tandy a disgrace to LE, DEA and federal employment.


    So what happens in the future when/if some bright boy working for Continental decides to use his employee status to smuggle drugs on flights? Are we going to have a problem investigating and prosecuting a Continental case when the suspect's defense attorney can rightfully claim that the DEA investigation into a Continental employee was initiated by Tandy to get revenge against Continental?

    And how will George Bush respond to a Continental loan or other request for federal assistance now that Bush's favorite little JAP was outted by a Continental employee, bigtime?

D/W NOTE: To review all previous reports and comments, please Click Here.


09 Jan 2005, 17:00 PST, 3rd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

    There now certainly appears to be no question of Karen's bad judgment, personal cheapness and greed, stupidity and self-centeredness. She might have gotten away with her scam had she never ordered booze on the flight.

    This episode has to go down in history among the greatest of "Dumb Criminal" stories. But we can't place all the blame on Tandy because it is George Bush who keeps her in office.


    Does this mean that HQ gets a refund from Continental for the BC tickets we purchased for Tandy's 2 SD's who gave their seats to Tandy and her husband? Does this mean that terrorists can now use the Tandy Plan to move their people closer to the flight cabin by coercing or blackmailing a BC couple into giving up their seats?

    I wonder how the families of the other passengers would have felt had there been a hijack attempt on that flight that succeeded because the presence of four guns near the pilot's cabin was reduced to two who were outnumbered by three terrorists.


    09 Jan 2005, 14:29 PST, 1st Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class" con't:

      I am writing to follow up on my initial letter to your web site.

      As I stated, I am a Continental Airline employee living here in Newark. The purpose of my letter today is to express my concern regarding a security issue that arose during the DEA Administrator and her husband's return flight from Tel Aviv to Newark on 12/31/04.

      Mrs. Karen Tandy's flight, CO 91, departed Tel Aviv at around 11:45 PM on New Years Eve and was scheduled to land in Newark at 4:45 AM. I recently learned from a member of the flight crew of this aircraft that the Tandy's were seated in business class on this flight, although not because of any special requests for a free upgrades. I understand that this may seem trivial to some outside the airline industry, but I am sure your readers, who as I understand are mainly police officers, grasp the concern the following issue caused the flight crew.

      Prior to departure from Tel Aviv the flight crew was informed that four armed security guards were seated in business class and that the persons under their protection, Mrs. Tandy and her husband, were seated in coach. Your officers ID'S were reviewed and all the proper paper work was completed. It should be noted that TSA and Continental Airline rules require that armed fliers must sit in the seat designated on their flying forms while armed unless the Captain of the aircraft authorizes a seat change. Apparently, the Tandy's exchanged their coach seats for the business class seats that had been assigned to two of their security guards. Unfortunately, the flight crew was not made aware of the seat swap. It was not until the beginning of the beverage service when the Tandy's ordered alcoholic drinks that the crew realized that they no longer knew where two of the armed agents were seated. They told the Tandy's that since they were armed (they assumed these were the security guards assigned to these seats) they could not be served alcohol. The Tandy's told our flight attendant that the security guards were in coach. The flight crew immediately verified this seat change. The Captain and First Officer were informed and needless to say were not to happy about this situation. You can image the level of anxiety our flight crews feel after the events of September 11, 2001. This is amplified to the max when airline personnel fly to and from the Middle East. The captain told me that he was preparing to turn the aircraft around and return to Tel Aviv but was assured by the flight crew that the situation had been resolved.

      I am beyond caring about the badgering we endured for a free upgrade when the Tandy's left on the first leg of their trip. But I am completely baffled that their security guards would not have let the Captain or crew know about the seat changes. If they had done so this would have been a non issue. I care greatly about Continental's customers and had the Captain returned to Tel Aviv it would have been a disaster for our customers as the flight would not have been resumed until the following day. Again, I am outraged that an incident this severe occurred just so two people could get better seats for free on a flight of only 8.5 hours duration.

      I just don't get it! Despite the fact that my airline, like many others is struggling, I feel no guilt about asking Tandy to take her business elsewhere.

      If anyone wants to verify any element of this letter they need only contact any crew member of CO 91.


    05 Jan 2005, 12:37 PST, 1st Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      Our Constitution says that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and no one charged with wrongdoing can be forced to testify on their own behalf... but we all have to wonder why Ms. JAP, her husband, a friend, horseholder or family member does not want to publish a statement on The Watch defending her. Hmmmmm.

      As I understand my reading of the Publication Parameters anyone in DEA, including the Administrator, his/her spouse, etc., can submit a statement for publication. Seems mighty strange to me that Ms. JAP has not.

      Again, silence cannot be considered an admission of guilt... but silence speaks volumes.


    04 Jan 2005, 21:58 PST, 10th Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      Word on the street is the Tandy-Pomerantz' allegedly accessed their Frequent Flier website tonight to find out they gained points for their vacation round-trip.

      But not to worry... repeat bank robbers remain successful until they finally get caught. Let's allow the Tandy-Pomerantz' to celebrate their cost savings... because there will come a time when they will have to pay the Piper.

      Inevitably, everybody gets caught and punished... Everybody.

      All that talk about people getting their punishment after they die is Old Testament crapola. The New Testament rule, Rule One, dictates that everybody who does wrong will get their just desserts here in this life.



    02 Jan 2005, 20:15 PST, 12th Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      My sympathies are with Tandy's security detail, but the fact is they volunteered for that job. Our security detail folks can't complain any more than our GI's in Iraq can complain. Any GI who enlisted to serve under a war-crazy president like Bush deserves what he gets. It's the same with Tandy's SD. Any agents who volunteer to work under someone like Karen Tandy can't complain about the compromising position she puts them in.

      These people are only getting what they asked for.


    02 Jan 2005, 20:04 PST, 11th Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      I don't agree with the 10th writer at 19:46. Two wrongs don't make a right.

      Let us not forget that Bush saved face with Asa by 'promoting' him to Homeland. Bush can save face with Tandy by promoting her to a Texas judgeship.


    02 Jan 2005, 19:46 PST, 10th Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      No doubt it is our security detail people who travel with Tandy who have all the facts about her getting free seat upgrades. But the SD is caught between a rock and a hard place. They can't ask for whistleblower status from a Republican in Congress because the Republicans owe their loyalty more to their Party and Bush than to our country and the little people. And there are so many Jews in Congress on the Democrat side we can't go to them because they prioritize protecting the people of their race. Yet, if we go to a non-Jewish member of Congress they succumb to intense pressure and ridicule to halt their inquiries. Dianne Feinstein won't do anything to help. Being Jewish, Feinstein's loyalties are with Tandy and her husband. Blood is thicker than patriotism.

      Which means Tandy and her husband get to skate. That's not only a crying shame it's illegal.

      I guess this means that if the order of the day is get everything you can we all might as well follow the Tandy famiy's lead and do some cheating to make our lives more prosperous too...


    02 Jan 2005, 16:20 PST, 7th Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      Someone wrote: "This entire discussion cannot be ignored by the IG, AG, and the WH any longer."

      Pardon me for being the one to notice it... but the above is yet another Liberal attack on our courageous president. George Bush is not to blame for appointing Karen Tandy. Everyone knows that Sen. Diane Feinstein (who's husband -- like Tandy's -- is allegedly affiliated with JINSA and AIPAC) was one of Tandy's strongest advocates during Tandy's Confirmation Hearing. So why hasn't Feinstein telephoned her sister Jewish-American Princess and told her she should leave lest she embarrass George "Joshua" Bush?

      All those people stick together even when one of them is caught red-handed. And if you call them a crook, when in fact they are crooks, they accuse you of being "anti-Semitic".

      The liberal Israeli press is conducting an intense PR campaign accusing everyone in FBI who is investigating AIPAC of being anti-Semitic 'Nazis'. Rest assured that this same media club will go after Tandy's critics the same way... and people like Dianne Feinstein will pretend they haven't heard a thing. There isn't a single Jewish organization in our country or member of Congress who has come out to defend the FBI's investigation and its agents... and told Ariel Sharon to call off his media dogs.


    02 Jan 2005, 15:30 PST, 6th Edition

    "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

      Dear Phill,

      As a DEA Watch Wise Man I am formally requesting that the transcript of all discussion from this topic be permanently provided as a DEA Watch One story. Please comply.

    Can do. See the following URL:


02 Jan 2005, 14:02 PST, 5th Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Someone wrote: "Any agency head found guilty of accepting a personal, financial gift cannot be trusted by the public."

    This is particularly true for agency heads who have budgetary discretion. Tandy commands a large federal budget. She can make financial decisions. What's to prevent her from making financial decisions using DEA/public money to reward herself, a family member or a crony???

    I agree... she can not be trusted to spend public money.


02 Jan 2005, 13:37 PST, 4th Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Bravo to the 2d Ed writer who is quite correct.

    Israel assigns (and pays for) AM seats on all international flights coming into Israel. However, for serious security reasons, I don't think that even Karen Tandy ranks high enough to get an Israeli agent(s) to give up his/their seat(s). I suspect that someone(s) closer to home were asked to give up their seats to Tandy and her husband. Either way, there is an accounting issue to be looked at... and Continental may be required to issue a refund to the passengers or their company who paid more for their better seats.

    Still, the Tandy's received an unauthorized... and possibly illegal... gift. There is much White House precedent for agency heads being asked to resign for their theft, acceptance of an unauthorized gift, or at the very least, using very bad judgment. Any agency head found guilty of accepting a personal, financial gift cannot be trusted by the public. Established precedent dictates that offenders be removed from office. George Bush would be quite wrong to allow Tandy to remain when others in previous Administrations who committed the same or less wrongdoing were fired.

    I wonder how Alberto would respond to a Confirmation Hearing question about one of his agency heads getting a mere pat on the wrist for accepting unauthorized and illegal financial gifts???


02 Jan 2005, 12:53 PST, 3rd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    The Second Edition writer must be a feeb accountant. He/she raises some very pertinent, dollar-issue points.

    This entire discussion cannot be ignored by the IG, AG, and the WH any longer. I can just picture a Congressional Inquiry that chastises any/all of the above for not immediately investigating this matter and punishing the obvious wrongdoers.

    If I were a member of Congress or the media looking into this, and either the IG, AG, OPR or WH told me they knew nothing about this discussion on DEA Watch I would find their reply absurd. I would respond by saying... "Do you mean to tell me that we have literally hundreds of LE and Intell community agents monitoring the internet for criminal and terrorist information on websites, yet all of you failed to know about DEA Watch which has not only been on the internet for almost EIGHT YEARS, but was created by DEA agents to report abuses and wrongdoing in DEA and other federal LE agencies???"


02 Jan 2005, 12:21 PST, 2nd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Someone wrote: "...advance purchase coach class tickets are approx. $880 per, while Business First tickets are $3,200 per. Will the Administrator and her husband claim the $4600+ difference as a gift from Continental on their tax return, and will she report the "gift" to the Justice Department on her annual financial disclosure form?"

    Ever since reading this a few days ago the numbers have been bouncing around in my head... two points I'd like to raise:

    • 1. I've flown to Israel during the holidays. I have never known an Israeli flight during the Holiday season to have empty seats. Therefore, if the two seats the Tandy-Pomerantz were filled by other people, who gave up their seats to our Administrator and her husband?
    • 2. By an agreement with the Israel government the international airlines flying into Israel always provide 1-2 seats to Israeli air marshalls. Along with our own 1-2 Air Marshalls, 2 of those seats are quite probably in first class nearest the pilots to protect their cabin from forced intrusion. Logically, either an Israeli or American air marshall (or both) might have given their seats to so distinguished a passenger as the DEA Administrator (and her husband.) And following this logic, Since the Israeli government does not get free passage as our own air marshalls receive on US flights, that means the gift of two prized seats to Tandy and her husband by Israeli AM's would mean they got a gift from another govt. Isn't that illegal?
    • Lastly, where did Tandy's one or more SD people sit? And would they not have been assigned BC/1stC seats, as is normal for fed trav? Following this logic, isn't it possible that Tandy and her husband might have exchanged seat with their own SD person or persons? And if so, would this not be a serious accounting problem for both HQ and Continental??? Surely it means that Continental owes either the Israeli govt or our own large refunds for their original BC/1stC passengers to take lesser expensive seats???

    Either way you look at it, it's now Michelle's job to compensate for any accounting adjustments... and bury this matter to keep our budget office, the GAO, OPR and the IG from doing the math and discovering a criminal theft amounting to thousands of dollars (well into the felony amount bracket).

    If Michelle were to assist or help the Tandy-Pomerantz's to cover up this obvious policy and fiscal violation she can be charged with Conspiracy... as well as anyone else in DEA responsible for keeping tabs on who spends what money, where and when.

    This would also be a problem for State if it were true that Israeli AM's donated their seats to the Tandy-Pomerantz'. A gift from a foreign govt to a US federal agency chief must be registered, and if necessary, repaid to ensure no foreign govt used their gift to extract a gift in return...


30 Dec 2004, 21:25 PST, 3rd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    If the A-SAC and SAC of New Jersey are dispatched to coerce Continental Airlines officials to upgrade the DEA Administrator and her husband from Coach to Business/First for "personal" travel from Dulles to Tel Aviv, it would seem to be a clear-cut violation of U.S.government/Justice Department/DEA policy/authority.

    In addition... a check of Continental's web site, (, reveals advance purchase coach class tickets are approx. $880 per, while Business First tickets are $3,200 per. Will the Administrator and her husband claim the $4600+ difference as a gift from Continental on their tax return, and will she report the "gift" to the Justice Department on her annual financial disclosure form?

    I'm sure she will... right!!!


    I don't know how much money Tandy and her husband saved (pocketed) by getting their two Newark SES's to help them upgrade their economy seats to more expensive seats... but isn't it reasonable to conclude that they PLANNED it that way??? And isn't PLANNING a rip-off called CONSPIRACY???



    I find it hard to believe that the Tandy-Pomerantz family was/is merely content with saving a bunch of money for their vacation flight. I bet that the Tandy's have been stealing money from merchants all over town. How much of a discount or kickback does Karen and Steve get from their barbers, the supermarket, their drycleaner... has their SD ever been forced to do babysitting?


    The difference between Bernard Kerik and Karen Tandy is Bernie had the dignity to resign. Karen is so cheap and so greedy she will never resign because like every self-righteous Jewish American Princess... Karen believes the world OWES her something.


    Someone wrote a while back: "When Tandy came to town her first DEA-wide statement was to call us all jerks for reading DEA Watch and publishing our concerns to the 'outside world'... she even went so far as to claim all of our dead agents told her they were"disappointed" in us."

    I don't want to put myself in Mr. Tandy's shoes... but if I was Steven the first thing I would have done when Karen got appointed as our Administrator was to buy DEA Watch from Phill Coleman and given it to Karen as a present on a silver platter... not too unlike the silver platter that John The Baptist's head was served up on to Salome.

    But after reading The Watch report from yesterday, it is easy to see that Mr. Tandy is just another cheap, chiseling cheapskate just like his wife. Even if Steven thought about buying The Watch to put it out of business, but decided against it, I'm sure if he had made an offer for DEA Watch he would have asked for a cop discount.

    I know the editor of DEA Watch, Phill Coleman, personally. (Phill, if you do not publish all of this verbatim, or redact it in any way, I promise you that in my next CNN interview I will mention your name loud and clear! Before you consider deleting any of the following ask yourself this question: Do you want media publicity or do you enjoy your life operating incogNegro? -- smile ) When the two of us have been out together Phill is always a generous tipper to the point of being sickening. He gives money to kids on the street and he opens doors for ladies. I have never heard him ask for a discount and I have never known him to try to get something for less than its true value. Here is a brief story... Once we were having dinner in Santa Monica. Because he didn't eat the soft-boiled crab I ordered for him the owner tore up the check even though Phill offered to pay for the meal he didn't eat because he knew that a lot of labor went into preparing it. The owner would not let Phill pay the $25 check for his dinner so Phill left a $50.00 tip. People like Phill Coleman spend money because they know that the business of America is business and what goes around comes around. Not all people with Jewish blood are cheap. Some people know and value that the business of America is not trying to go through life on the cheap the way the Tandy's do. I know that George Bush Sr. and Jr. are a lot like Phill Coleman. They never accept freebies and they always pay their way. George Bush would NEVER ask for a free seat upgrade on a flight. Neither has Phill. When they fly First Class it's because they paid for a First Class ticket!

    I remember when George Sr. ran for public office the first time. He ate at black restaurants in his district when few whites would go in them. When George Sr. was CIA Director he and Barb ate at black restaurants in DC, when few whites on their level would not. George was a frequent patron of restaurants in DC when his dad was pres. He, too, was a big tipper like his dad. And when he was offered a meal on the house he wouldn't accept it. He always paid and he always paid the full price.

    So what I don't understand is why George appointed someone like Karen Tandy to a federal office? Her personal values and history of being a chiseler are so diametrically opposite to people like George Bush and Phill Coleman.

    Karen Tandy needs to be shown the door. She needs to move to Israel where it is legal to hire an illegal alien to wash her clothes and mop her floors because it was the Jews who invented slavery back in ancient Egypt... where the institution of slavery they created for others eventually came around to them when they fell out of favor with the Pharoah who put them in bondage... and suceeding Pharoahs who kept them in bondage until Moses came along... Cheap people like the Tandy family of Karen and Steve Pomerantz are bad news in the city. I'm sure all of the honorable folks at Continental Air have a bad taste in their mouth having experienced Karen "Gimme the Discount" Tandy and her husband Steve "Gimme Gimme Gimme" Pomerantz.


30 Dec 2004, 11:56 PST, 1st Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Yesterday's writer should be awarded for his/her courage to step forward and provide the details that many before have made excuses for Tandy by saying there isn't enough details, and many other BS excuses, no doubt OPR officials for who else wants to defend her instead of try to rid us of her?

    Writer, thank you from the hearts of many who have wanted the information yet had no access to it, and thank you for being specific in every detail, now OPR, OIG and any other agency who oversees abuse, step up and take the grounder given to them and run with it. There can be no more excuses given for not following up on accusations, now they have every detail they need leaving no question unanswered except for maybe what the Pilots ate for lunch that day.

    If there isn't an investigation opened now, we now the fix is in and Tandy is untouchable. We can not stand around any more, and if asked, we must give details of what we know because the manual says we have to.

    Yesterday's writer has opened up a Pandora's box, and we should close it on Tandy's head tightly and not look back, Tandy has nobody to blame for her failures except herself. Is she so egotistical to think she can order her "detail" to do things without fear of investigation? I suppose so...


29 Dec 2004, 18:57 PST, 3rd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Mr. and Mrs. Tandy (Pomerantz) have every right to take their family vacation when and where they please... however, at this time when Mr. Tandy's former agency, the FBI, is heavy into a high-level spy investigation possibly involving one or more Jewish-American, senior members of our Defense Department, and his wife, Mrs. Tandy, is currently an agency head in the Justice Department which oversees the FBI... it seems a curious time for them to choose Israel for fun and games... knowing that members of Israel Intell would certainly want to debrief the Tandy's in Israel to obtain any info, gossip or activity they may have picked up from conversations or more with people working in FBI or Main.

    Mr. Tandy (Pomerantz) is said to be a bigwig in an exclusively Jewish-American organization called JINSA, whose members are senior US military, intell and LE operatives. In his capacity as a "consultant" for Jewish-American groups, Mr. Pomerantz has conducted one or more media interviews involving FBI's AIPAC investigation, so he is certainly keen about it. In a word of credit to Mr. Tandy, he has defended his former agency with the statement, "This is not a fishing expedition (by FBI). It appears to me (FBI) have some specific information which is leading them in a specific direction."

    The Bush Administration solidly backs AIPAC. One wonders about the deepness of the conflict for FBI to conduct an unhampered investigation when Bush has made it clear he wants to protect AIPAC. Elements of the Israeli media daily condemn FBI for its investigation, calling AIPAC an "FBI setup" and an investigate "led by anti-Semites in FBI." One wonders why George Bush hasn't complained to Ariel Sharon to call off his dogs.

    One wonders why the Tandy's would travel to Israel in the middle of this brouhaha. Hmmmm...


29 Dec 2004, 17:37 PST, 2nd Edition

NEW INFORMATION: "Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    I have read the original information posted by the first writer regarding the matter of Mr. and Mrs. Tandy's recent flight to Israel, as well as the criticism by later writers. I can well understand why the first writer may be concerned about his or her identity being indicated if he or she published everything they knew about that flight.

    As I have been personally made aware of this matter through others who have knowledge of the DEA Watch website, I think that I can contribute the information that someone in DEA may have been concerned about revealing themselves. This information is known to me, and all those working at Continental Airlines who had some personal connection or contact with the flight in question. Here is what I know from my personal contact:

    #1. Date/time/place of Departure: 12-24-2004 Washington National airport, 12:30 P.M. Carrier: Continental Airlines Flight CO 808 Arriving Newark, NJ. 1:35 P.M. Aircraft Type: Boeing 737

    #2. Via requests made from what I believed to be the top two DEA persons working in Newark by way of some people who identified themselves as "Mrs. Tandy's Security Detail". Because of their federal ID status and their begging pleas to (Continental) to grant their seating upgrade requests, Mr.and Mrs Tandy were given seat upgrades from Coach Business Class (seats 8A and 8B). Our records show that they Departed Newark, NJ for Tel Aviv via Continental Airlines Flight CO 84/aircraft type 777. Their departure time was 3:45 P.M., arriving Tel Aviv 9:15 A.M. They were given seat upgrades from coach to business class (seats 2A and 2B).

    I hope that anyone reading this on DEA Watch understands that we, too, are employees, and we, too, have supervisors we wish to please. So when an employee of another company comes begging for a favor for their supervisor (especially when the two top people working for DEA in Newark were mentioned by name) anyone hearing their pleas can understand the situation they have been put in. If (Continental employees) were to deny such a pleading request it stands to reason that the employee of the supervisor making the request might suffer their supervisor's wrath.

    I am aware that Mrs. Tandy is the head of the DEA. And being the head of a federal agency she has the power to ruin the career of any DEA employee who failed to get her what she asked for. Mrs. Tandy and her husband were treated graciously and politely by Continental employees who were very much aware of the special treatment she had apparently requested and happily accepted.

    I hope that the information I have provided is helpful. I am not a DEA employee so there is nothing that Mr. and Mrs. Tandy can do to me to hurt me. I just hope that everyone in DEA who reads this knows that they are not the only ones who feel it is not only wrong and unethical, but an abuse of power for people who run a federal agency to solicit special treatment and discounts because of their job status.

    I and a lot of people who know about the above flight stand with DEA employees in their outrage.

    If anyone wants to verify any element of this letter to DEA Watch they need only contact Continental Airlines and interview any Continental employee associated with the abovementioned flight. Also, they may contact Continental special service representatives at Reagan National who must have facilitated the upgrade on the first leg of the trip.


28 Dec 2004, 13:43 PST, 3rd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    I have to agree with everything said by the 2Ed writer.

    No doubt Tandy and her husband are already at work in their flower garden growing daisy's to shove up Alberto's butt should he be confirmed by the Senate. But Alberto, like most Hispanics, are utterly devoted to increasing Hispanic influence in our government just as Mr. Pomerantz reportedly makes his living to advance and increase the number of American Jews working in government.

    The future then looks bright for any former Hispanic SES from DEA. Therefore, in order to get themselves known to Alberto our retired Hispanics must begin now to promote themselves... without the assist of Wall Street PR firms.

    Alberto will owe a great debt to Hispanic organizations who help his confirmation. Just as Rudy used muscle to get his people (like Bernie) top jobs, Alberto will do the same. Under Alberto, Main will shift from being primarily Jewish-driven to Hispanic-driven. There will be the expected Jewish backlash, but Bush will favor Alberto... blood is thick than w(h)ine.


28 Dec 2004, 12:22 PST, 2nd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Karen Tandy is mostly to blame because aside from being a self-righteous, arrogant snob, she's not too bright. But Karen is not 100% to blame for being the loser Administrator she is... as was Asa before her. Karen's problem is that she surrounds herself with people who tell her what she wants to hear... even those she asks to "be brutally honest with me" are skilled in the tact of telling her what she doesn't wants to hear but in a way she wants to hear it.

    It's called "groupthink"... a group of 'yes people' assembled to provide critical advice to their boss in such a way the boss still gets to make the decision he or she already decided before consulting with their 'yes people'.

    This 'groupthink' business has always been a problem in every executive council... and it will always be a problem... but it has never been this bad of a problem until George Bush took office. Which is why when some individuals have the courage to stand up and confront their boss with the stupidly of his decisions the news media spends days re-reporting the story.

    When Karen Tandy took the big seat she got a briefing from Asa Hutchinson who told her that it was impossible to silence employee criticism because of DEA Watch. (Asa got the same briefing from departing Donnie... and both left in shame because of their conceited arrogance.) It was because of Asa's briefing to Karen that led her to make the subject of her first statement to the troops a condemnation of complaining out loud. Karen, like other narcissists, wants you and I to complain privately to her so that if she cannot dissuade us into looking at life from her point of view she will, at least, know our identity so she can take steps to end our DEA careers.

    But for the successful leaders who win the praise and respect of their subordinates there are three Golden Rules they follow:

    • 1. Whenever taking a new job never come in issuing orders and bullying to let everyone know you're in charge. They already know you're in charge.
    • 2. Always begin a new leadership position by listening instead of talking. Find out what it is people do that makes them do it well, then establish that marker as policy. Don't set your own marker that may be well beyond, or below, someone's capability or acceptance.
    • 3. And most importantly, don't dis your critics. Have private and confidential discussions with those who disagree with you. You can learn a lot, and teach them a lot. Share your vision of the 'Big Picture' with their TV-screen-sized view... or enlarge your vision by understanding their viewpoint.

    Karen Tandy did none of the above... which is why we must watch everything she does wrong and report it. Sooner or later she will have to go because she her job effectiveness will drop to a point where she is doing far more harm to DEA than she can persuade her boss she is doing good.


28 Dec 2004, 10:56 PST, 1st Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    When Tandy came to town her first DEA-wide statement was to call us all jerks for reading DEA Watch and publishing our concerns to the 'outside world'... she even went so far as to claim all of our dead agents told her they were "disappointed" in us.

    So what's happened since to dull Tandy's clairvoyancy??? If she is in contact with all of our dead why haven't they told her how to be a better and better-liked Administrator?

    I suspect, and I am sure many others also suspect, that Tandy lied to us about her being contacted by our DEA dead. I suspect that it is our agents in the Field and not Tandy and her buttwipers in DC who know better how our deceased comrades feel.

    God Save the Gold Badge!


27 Dec 2004, 21:30 PST, 6th Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    All this nonsense about Tandy trying to live high on the hog isn't worth our time. So what if Tandy doesn't like having to sit next to a common scrote in coach... who wouldn't?

    Think about it... should the head of our agency be forced to sit in coach sandwiched between a drug dealer and a yuppie throwback to the Sixties? Should the Administrator of the DEA be forced to have coffee spilled on her by a flight attendant who treats coach passengers like trapped bugs in a Roach Motel?

    Tandy is only asking to travel not in high fashion but apart from scum... nothing wrong with that.

    I think our country has moved too far to political correctness. We need to get back to the good old days when people with titles were treated courteously and with respect. The good old days were when black men we happy just to have a shoeshine stand on a profitable corner and white women were happy just to have a man to cook, clean and make babies for. The good old days were when the only threat came from wacky Communists and the worst thing a kid could do in school was chew gum.

    Our president is trying his best to return our country back to those serene, good old days. We should support him and we should support Mrs. Tandy. They know the values we should be living. People with class should live and travel with class. There isn't a person in DEA who wouldn't like to be Administrator... and travel with some dignity.


27 Dec 2004, 13:20 PST, 3rd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Someone wrote: "The "report" -- if anybody want's to call it that -- about Tandy lacks credibility. It appears more to be a phishing expedition than a collection of facts."

    There is another possibility... either Tandy herself, her husband or a member of their fan club is submitting these requests for time-consuming investigations solely to make the IG or AG tired of investigating Tandy. And when the IG and AG have had enough bogus or shallow tips they will decide to stop investigating the Tandy-Pomerantz'. When that happens Tandy and her husband will be home free to do any devilment they like. Not only will Tandy have a free ride to use DEA personnel and property to augment her private life, she can help her bosses in Israel run spies, drugs and influence our justice system.


27 Dec 2004, 12:21 PST, 2nd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    I have to agree with the 1st Edition writer. The "report" -- if anybody want's to call it that -- about Tandy lacks credibility. It appears more to be a phishing expedition than a collection of facts.

    The person who wrote this so-called report -- more like a sham -- is hoping that he or she can get a big investigation started, ton's of people interviewed, and a lot of anti-Tandy chatter started in DEA. In my view it would be a waste of time, money and personnel to investigate baseless accusations that provided not a single shred of evidence and a lot of unsubstantiated and unsourced hearsay.

    If the person who wrote this amateur report is so interested in getting Tandy investigated he or she must produce names, places and evidentiary document trails that can be researched. But wasting investigator's time with the type to sophomoric silliness and poison-pen tripe published yesterday isn't worth a Boy Scout's time.

    I suggest that yesterday's writer read the six that was published a couple of months back about Tandy's misuse of her GOV to do the family grocery shopping. Now THAT was a report that gave enough detail to investigate.


27 Dec 2004, 11:53 PST, 1st Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class", con't:

    Yesterday's terrible report in The Watch about Tandy using people to bump her up from coach to BC was terrible. Surely it wasn't written by an 1811... no investigator worth his or her salt would have written such a poorly documented report. And no IG would waste their time following up on it because it lacked so many important details it's laughable!

    The poorly written report says Tandy "has been pressuring her security detail to have her upgraded from coach to business class on a regular basis." Oh yeah! Give us ONE instance... date, location, airline???

    The flimsy report also alleges, "This is often accomplished by the airlines involved granting the upgrade on a complimentary basis." Oh yeah! Give us one example... one airline... one confirmation of a seating change!

    The report also claims, "During the recent SAC conference, some SAC'S were heard grumbling that they often had to perform this task themselves or order their ASAC's or Airport Group Supervisors to coerce, pressure or cajole airline contacts". Oh yeah! Where and when was this 'SAC conference'??? What is the name of at least one SAC who grumbled??? What is the name of at least one SAC or ASAC or anyone else who made calls to get Tandy a better seat??? What is the name of at least one so-called 'contact' who received a SAC/ASAC request???

    The questionable report also said, "the queen demanded and received an upgrade just this week not only for herself but her husband as well upon their departure from the U.S. on a personal vacation." Oh yeah! Which flight? To which country? What were their original seat assignments? What seats did they actually end up in???

    If we have people on the payroll who can't supply usable facts then we need to overhaul our report writing course at the Academy and order every 1811 to go back to school.

    People wonder why the IG and AG don't do anything about Tandy's so-called 'excesses'. How can they when we don't have people with enough brains to submit case-closing reports for successful prosecutions?


26 Dec 2004, 13:36 PST, 2nd Edition

"Upgraded from coach to business class":

    It seems that Queen K. Tandy may haves some issues that the IG and or DOJ Ethics officer may wish to review. Apparently, during both personal and Business travel, she has been pressuring her security detail to have her upgraded from coach to business class on a regular basis. This is often accomplished by the airlines involved granting the upgrade on a complimentary basis. During the recent SAC conference, some SAC'S were heard grumbling that they often had to perform this task themselves or order their ASAC's or Airport Group Supervisors to coerce, pressure or cajole airline contacts normally reserved for use in legitimate enforcement operations to make the upgrade happen. It seems to this writer that this practice is obviously unethical and probably illegal. The queen is accepting a gift valued at several thousand dollars a pop. Is she reporting this to DOJ? Is this not a taxable gift?

    Allegedly, the queen demanded and received an upgrade just this week not only for herself but her husband as well upon their departure from the U.S. on a personal vacation. Allegedly, the security costs associated with this vacation will probably exceed $70,000.00. All of this has been occurring since she took office. How it has not surfaced until now is amazing to me.
