01 Jun 2024, 18:42 PST, 3rd Edition
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Saturday EveningFriday Morning Think Piece: "Extinction Level Events future.... ":
With the exception of Gulf War I and II, both in Iraq, the United States military since our Revolutionary War has fought for only one purpose. That purpose was to stop the slaughter or subjugation of innocent people by a psychotic or racist ruler bent on exterminating an entire race.
And with the exception of the current supply of American weapons being supplied in bulk to Israel, the United States has never supplied arms to any nation for the purpose of taking offensive action against another nation or group of its own people. WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan were all wars to end aggression by an external force against a country or countries that desired to avoid conflict.
Today the same White House Administration that has armed the Israeli government, well known to be prejudicially racist to its non-Jewish citizens, is now considering allowing Ukraine to use American weapons offensively inside Russia. This decision is contrary to eighty years of well-thought out US policy to avoid direct American military contact with Russia. In the past Americans have decided that it must only be European nations that are directly in harm's way of Russian aggression who should use arms offensively inside Russia for the purpose of ending Russian aggression. Our policy has always been to peacefully win the Russian public over to the side of real Democracy... not blow them to bits to forcibly do so.
Three years ago Israel declared itself to be 100% Jewish nation. That declaration was unmistakably conditioned on the Israeli government employing various means to remove all non-Jews from Israeli soil. Since our Civil War, Constitution-following Americans have sent their husbands, brothers, sons and even grandfathers to war to stop the wholesale enslavement or slaughter of innocent people who had nothing to do with any military activity.
The October 7, 2023 action by a renegade horde of non-uniformed Hamas fighters to punish Israel for thousands of Muslim arrests and hundreds of shootings (of mostly children) over the past six decades of unarmed Muslims by Israel's Defense Force does not equal the number, in the tens of thousands, of Gazan men, women and children who have since been bombed, shot, starved, denied medical treatment, arrested, imprisoned, inhumanely tortured, and repeatedly uprooted for the purpose of causing injury or death. And at no time in America's history has any President of the United States, until now by Joe Biden, willingly cooperated and assisted in such actions.
American unwarranted and unprovoked aggression against Iraq in 2002 began the dangerous cycle of Rules of War Violations that have now become Standard Operating Procedure around the globe. When America makes a bad global decision, such as the invasion of Iraq at the behest of Israel that desired the removal of a Muslim nation that was militarily capable of resisting Israeli aggression in Palestine, and Saudi Arabia which could care less about Palestinians but desired the removal of a competitor oil producer in order to raise the cost of Saudi oil, criminal leaders in other nations exploit bad American decisions for their greedy or racist gain.
Today the American people are once again facing the damaging consequences of a future President who, long before being elected, issued Notice Of Intent to break rules and abolish historic principles. Before his election in 1999, George W. Bush made it clear to everyone that Iraq would become a Priorty One American target after his election because, in his words, "Saddam Hussein tried to kill my daddy." Despite the fact that every investigation of the failed assassination attempt against George H. W. Bush in Kuwait was not linked to Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush refused to give up his psychotic belief otherwise. In 2002, after becoming President, George W. Bush then initiated an aggression that has since, for the past twenty-five years, severely crippled the American economy from Saudi-initiated oil inflation that has greatly increased the price of everything transported by truck, ship and air.
Today a different Republican candidate promises that, if he is elected, to all but void the American constitution, corrupt its legal system, and join forces with America's worst Communist and totalitarian rulers. If a President of the United States can openly promise to use US military personnel to kill his political rivals on U.S. soil, his doing the same in other countries can be assured. And the result of foreign assassinations, along with the dismantling of American courts and law enforcement will result in a global meltdown of epic, Extinction Level Events that will send our world back into the Stone Age.
America can be better again by avoiding the worst possible future.
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