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12 Oct 2024, 18:36 PST, 3rd Edition

Special Agent Report: Just the facts

Saturday Evening Think Piece: "Constitution or candidate?.... ":

    Donald Trump said today that China and Russia are not our enemies. Trump said that our "real" enemies are the non-citizens living and working in our country. Trump says that we have to deport all of our immigrants.

    So am I to understand that all of the Soviet leaders after WW2 and now the leader in Russia is our friend, and after all of the things they have done to make the world miserable for the past eighty years was out of 'friendship'???

    And am I to now believe, according to Donald Trump, that the Chinese who are spying on us, stealing our technology, and interfering with our economy and our elections since China became a Communist country in 1949 has been out of 'friendship'???

    And am I to now believe, according to Donald Trump, that the immigrants who have settled and worked in our country, and raised three generations of new Americans since the end of WW2 have been working harder to destroy our country more than Russia and China who supported conflicts that cost thousands of American lives???

    And am I to now believe, according to Donald Trump, that if we deport the millions of immigrants now in our country that Russia and China will suddenly stop working to take over the countries nearest them, and stop working to undermind our economy, and stop funding segregationist, racist and anti-democratic organizations here in the U.S. so that they can invade and take us over???

    I then need to ask how much longer after Trump deports Asians and Hispanics from our country, will he turn his sights on our black Americans? And at what time during the process of Trump going after our Asian, Hispanic and black Americans will those groups now serving in our military up and quit... leaving our military so small that it will be a cake walk for China and Russia to gobble up their neighboring countries knowing that the US doesn't have a military capable of stopping them?

    Hitler deported millions of Germans he felt should have no citizenship in Germany. But after WW2 started he had to bring in three times as many foreigners than he deported (or killed) to work in his military industry factories. And then he had to maintain a large army of Germans to remain in Germany to prevent an uprising among the slave laborers he brought into Germany. By 1945 Hitler had more male, military-age foreigners in Germany than male, 'master-race' German citizens... and those foreigners understandably refused to help Hitler defend Germany because of the brutal and starving ways in which they were treated.

    So what part of dictator history is Donald Trump missing. And how is it that there are so many Americans supporting Trump who think that they will be exempt from his dictatorial policies? Will the people who voted for Trump get a discount at the supermarket or gas station? Will the sons of the parents who voted for Trump be exempt from military service after multiple wars break out caused by the Chinese and Russians seeing American military weakness? And when Social Security, Medicare, ObamaCare and other social services are terminated under Trump, will all of the people who voted for Trump, along and their family members, have an exclusive privilege of receiving those benefits that will no longer exist? And can we expect countless suicides among Americans reaching retirement age who won't have Social Security to rely upon... just as we can expect very few young white males to enlist in our military as blacks and others are compelled to discharge and stop enlisting after Trump's Project 2025 all but eliminates the VA.

    We already know from the horrible things Donald Trump has said about the men and women who serve in our military that many of them, perhaps in the thousands, will be applying for discharges should Trump be elected. Officers will resign their commissions and enlisted people will 'power down' their 'participation' until their enlistment cycle is up. Of course, as Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump can always order a resumption of The Draft. But would Donald Trump who fought so relentlessly to avoid military and war service have been a good soldier if he had been forced to serve? The answer is, of course, no! During the Vietnam War the ratio between future Fifth Columnists versus future soldiers graduating from US Army boot camps was 3-to-1... which is why we had to end The Draft. The US military wasn't helped by The Draft, it was severely harmed by The Draft.

    Somehow the sane people in our country are going to have to get the insane people in our country to stop believing that they will be exempt and immune from any miseries Donald Trump and his Project 2025 planners have in store for everyone in our country who isn't a billionaire?

    And lastly, we all have relatives living in every part of our country. What happens to the people living in States that didn't vote for Trump when he continues to tax them but refuses to provide federal funding or emergency federal support? Today Trump is going after cities like Springfield OH and Aurora CO. What cities will Trump declare less-than-American after he is elected? And can we be sure that all of the white people living in cities that have immigrant populations be assured that they will never have to fear the wrath of Donald Trump... and that any cross-race kids or relatives they have will not suffer for being less than 100% white?

    Maybe it would be better if we kept our country and our democracy as it is but make improvements as we always have. With the threats coming from China, Russia, Iran and other enemies just chomping at the bit for the US to grow weak, and with the Israelis doing everything they can to cause gas prices to go up by turning the Middle East into flames, is it sane to discard our Constitution and replace it with a dictator who deems selling watches, keychains and tennis shoes with his name on them are more important than national defense?

    The Germans who made the mistake of following Hitler, and the Italians who followed Mussolini, and the Japanese who followed Tojo all learned the hard way because those nations went insane. Let us recall that it was the US that restored their sanity. Do we really need to do to ourselves what stupid countries who adopted dictators did to themselves...

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