Who Is Eligible To Display A Photo |
Anyone can display a single, digitized photograph (no larger than 50,000 bytes) of a veteran or active-duty serviceperson in uniform at no cost.Go back to the Index |
What Does It Cost To Display A Photograph |
It is FREE to install one digitized (scanned, .jpg, .gif, .tif, .bmp, .pcx or .cmp) photo (up to 50,000 bytes) of any former or active-duty military serviceperson.Go back to the Index |
How Do I Access The Museum |
The Museum can be accessed 24 hours a day. Complete instructions on how to quickly and easily install The Museum software describes, step-by-step, how to be up and running in minutes. Nothing could be easier.
Requirements:Any version of Microsoft WindowsAn Internet provider for Internet access All you need to know to run the software is in the instructions.Go back to the Index |
How Many Different Photos Of One Person Can I Install |
It is FREE to install ONE military-era photo (with info) of as many DIFFERENT Veterans you like. Contact The Museum for questions about installing then and now or more than one photo of a person.Go back to the Index |
How To Transmit/Send Photos To The Museum |
Any digitized (.jpg, .gif, .tif, .bmp, .pcx or .cmp) photo(s) can be emailed to: veterans@pacbell.net 24 hoursOr mailed via an IBM-compatible 5.25 or 3.50 floppy diskette to:The Photograph Museum of Honor 817 East Via Carmelitos, Virginia Building 319 Rear Long Beach CA 90805-7549 (Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you wish your diskette returned)Go back to the Index |
What Info MUST Be Sent With The First Photo |
Info accompanying your photo(s) must includethe serviceperson's or veteran's NameCurrent mailing address or Burial locationPhone numberEmail address and/or WWW address (if available)At least one unit/ship servedAt least one duty stationHighest rankAny Grand Medals (war duty, heroism, exceptional individual service) earned(Family member contact info needed for deceased vets.)Go back to the Index |
Installing A Paper Photo(s) |

The Museum of Honor
Online 24 hours, everday
Free, access software is required for access.
Questions? veterans@pacbell.net
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