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70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor:
Kiss a WW2 Veteran...

(This Information Site is Continually Updated.)

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  • Seventy years ago America was forced into WW2. It took only four years for America to defeat two huge armies on two separate continents... we have not achieved a wartime Victory like that since.

    Thanks to those who served during WW2 America's official language remains American-English, not German-English and not Japanese-English as our enemies envisioned. Our lives today are owed to our Greatest Generation who repeated the Victories of their father's who fought during WW1. If you have a living WW2 relative give him or her a big kiss. If your WW2 relative is in Heaven pray them a big 'Thank You!' Let no future descendant of a WW2 hero ever forget that we will always remember their Victories. Preserve the awards of your WW2 relative. Pass them down to future generations to keep their memory alive by keeping their award history alive... and always prominently visible on a wall for all to see when visiting your home.

    NOTE: To provide generations of future family members accurate and full information, families of all veterans should ensure that all of their Service Period acknowledgments are listed on their 201A Military Award Report:

    Medal, badge and certificate Issue Regulations are here:

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    Contact Person for this posting: Roger Simpson, PIO
    Public Information Office:
    The American War Library:
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