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U.S. Economy
Vietnam War Years
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YR 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
A. 488 497 530 551 580 614 658 675 707 727 724 0740
B. 504 520 560 591 632 681 743 790 865 931 977 1047
C. 089 090 091 092 093 095 097 100 104 110 116 0121
D. 103 105 106 107 109 110 114 118 122 128 135 0142
E. 104 105 106 108 112 116 119 129 135 144 157 0157
F. 066 066 067 068 069 071 073 074 076 078 079 0079
G. 006 007 006 006 005 005 004 004 004 004 005 0006
H. 066 067 072 077 082 089 098 100 106 111 107 0107
A. GNP, billions of 1958$
B. GNP, billions of current$ (1971 dollars)
C. Consumer price index (1967=100)
D. GNP Expenditure deflators (1958=100), For total GNP
E. GNP Expenditure deflators (1958=100), For Federal govt purchs
F. Employment (millions)
G. Unemployment (%)
H. Industrial production
Economic Report of the President, 2-71. Washington DC
Survey of Current Business
National Income and Product Accounts of the US
Office of Business Economics, Department of Commerce
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