Co A44/36th Signal Bn, 1st Signal Bde
(Re-named 269th Signal Company in March 1970)
Bien Hoa Army Base, Vietnam - 1967/70
Photos provided by Dave Coupe, 2LT: I served in Vietnam from 4/67 to 4/68 and was assigned to Company A, 44th Signal Bn at Bien Hoa. At the time, I was a 2LT and was OIC at the III Corp Comcenter in the ARVN compound at Bien Hoa. Not long after my arrival, the company was transferred out of the 44th BN and became A44, 36th Sig BN. I don't remember the exact timetable, but I became company XO under CO Capt Raymond J. Coyle, Jr. out of South Carolina. Captain Coyle coined the name "The Professionals" and we had a contest among the troops to design a company pocket patch. The winning design was the same as that in the picture gallery without the 269 which was evidently added when the company name was changed after the 1970 incident. I think that I have my original patch, which, by the way, we had made by a shop in Bien Hoa City." Dave Coupe, Cumberland RI.

Me with actors Christopher George (center) and Larry Casey (left) who starred in the TV series "The Rat Patrol" and who visited the company while on a USO tour. A USO official named Jimmy Sheldon had a son in the company named Jim Geil (?) and he brought the celebrities to visit us. We took them to our telephone switchboard facility and put through a call for Christopher George to speak with his girlfriend, actress Linda Day, who later became Linda Day George
Page 1. Photos contributed by Phil Boucher, James Carr, Phill Coleman
Page 2. Photos contributed by Phil Boucher and James Carr
Page 3. Photos contributed by Phil Boucher and Phill Coleman
Page 4. Photos contributed by Ed Russo
Page 5. Photos contributed by Dave Coupe
Page 7. Photos contributed by Phill Coleman
Page 8. Photos contributed by Jeffrey Lauren
Page 9. Photos contributed by Andre Rivard
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Page 14. Photos
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